how to find us

Our address is:
4, L'Etournerie
85320 Chateau Guibert
+33 (0)767 66 00 81 (please do not phone this number but send a WhatsApp)

We can be reached by TGV (Train Grande Vitesse). It stops at La Roche sur Yon.

By car:
We are situated near the Autoroute A83. Driving southwards, take exit 6, direction Bournezeau. At the roundabout take the second exit towards the town Bournezeau. In the village take a left to Mareuil-sur-Lay (D48).
After 100 meters turn right towards Thorigny. In the village of Thorigny, go left towards Château Guibert (D60). Pass through Château Guibert. You will see the lake on your right. Pass through the hamlet of Bellenoue. On your right you will see a picknick and play area.
At a green barn on the left, you will take the road to the right, there is a small sign "L'Etournerie". After 300 meters turn left at the sign Camping à la ferme L'Etournerie.
You have to take the small field road crossing down through the field.
The camping is situated directly BEHIND the coniferes. PLEASE DON'T DRIVE DOWN THE FIELD TOO FAR!!!
You can contact us at the reception/acceuil, just below the pool.

Coming from La Roche sur Yon, take the D746 southwards to Mareuil-sur-Lay. About 2 kms before you get to Mareuil, you will see the sign L'Etournerie to the left. Turn left here and then keep right. You will cross the bridge over the lake (left) and river (right). Not far after that you take the small road to the right. See above.


Michelin map 316

By airplane:
There are airports in Nantes and in La Rochelle.